Vibranium Command Line Interface

Vibranium is a CLI tool and you'll need to run commands in your Command Prompt/Terminal to access it's features. Most of Vibranium's functionality can be accessed with the cli vib-cli or vc in short.

Make sure you are running the latest version of Vibranium to ensure that you get the latest features and bug fixes. To check the version of Vibranium installed in your system, run vc --version or vc --V.


Please note that there might be new commands added to Vibranium, which I haven't updated here. In such cases, please feel free to suggest the changes using GitHub.

Like all command line tools, Vibranium CLI supports multiple commands and almost all of them have been mentioned in the command line help. To access it, type vc --help

❯ vc --help   
Usage: vc [options] [command]

  -V, --version       output the version number
  -h, --help          output usage information

  run|r [options]     Run the Vibranium tests
  list|l [options]    List all the Vibranium tests
  debug|d [options]   Enter debug mode
  setup|s [options]   Setup Vibranium with the current directory ('') as the 
  create|c [options]  Create a new scenario test file


  • run or r : To run the Vibranium test cases available inside the workspace. Refer to Running Tests for more details. Details are also available by running the command vc r --help
  • list or l : To list all the collections, scenarios and tests available. Refer to Listing Tests for more details. Details are also available by running the command vc l --help
  • setup or s : To setup Vibranium. vc s --help. Refer to Configuration for more details.
  • create or c : To create new c --help. Refer to Creating Tests for more details.
  • debug or d : To debug the Vibranium installation and other issues. You would not need this command in most cases. More details