The Scenario File

The scenario file is just a combination of one or more endpoints grouped together in a file.

A scenario can refer to any group, like all APIs for one entity, all endpoints doing an end to end flow or even all internal/external apis separately.

Important keys

  • id [string]: This is an auto generated ID for the scenario file. Do not change this once it is created.
  • email [string]: The email of the user creating the scenario. Used to mail scenario reports
  • created_on [string]: A timestamp string to represent when the schema was created.
  • app [string]: The App name or code to represent to which app the scenario belongs to
  • name [string]: The scenario name. This should be unique in the collection and is recommended to name it as the JSON file name, without the extension
  • tags [string]: An optional set of tags associated with the schema. Can be used for filtering tests.
  • ignore [boolean]: If set to true, the scenario will be skipped/ignored while running tests.
  • additionalProperties [object]: Additional properties for the scenario, if any.
  • scripts [object]: This object contains the scripts that should be executed in the life cycle of the execution.
    • before-scenario [string]: The javascript that needs to be executed in the before-scenario life cycle hook
    • after-scenario [string]: The javascript that needs to be executed in the after-scenario life cycle hook
    • before-each [string]: The javascript that needs to be executed in the he before-each life cycle hook
    • after-each [string]: The javascript that needs to be executed in the The after-each life cycle hook
    • after-globals [string]: The javascript that needs to be executed in the after-globals life cycle hook
  • generate [object]: The generate object is used to generate global variables for the entire schema
    • The key is the variable name and value is the variable value
  • endpoints [array]: The list of endpoints

Scenario Schema

    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "scenario.json",
    "type": "object",
    "title": "The scenario schema",
    "description": "The Scenario is a JSON containing multiple endpoint tests",
    "required": [
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "properties": {
        "id": {
            "$id": "#/properties/id",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The scenario id",
            "description": "This is an auto generated ID for the scenario file. Do not change this once it is created.",
            "minLength": 36,
            "examples": [
        "email": {
            "$id": "#/properties/email",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The email of the user creating the sceario",
            "description": "The email of the user creating the scenario. Used to mail scenario reports",
            "examples": [
        "created_on": {
            "$id": "#/properties/created_on",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The created on time",
            "description": "A timestamp string to represent when the schema was created.",
            "examples": [
                "2020-5-7 10:32:3"
        "app": {
            "$id": "#/properties/app",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The app name/code",
            "description": "The App name or code to represent to which app the scenario belongs to",
            "examples": [
        "name": {
            "$id": "#/properties/name",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The scenario name",
            "description": "The scenario name. This should be unique in the collection and is recommended to name it as the JSON file name, without the extension",
            "examples": [
        "tags": {
            "$id": "#/properties/tags",
            "type": "string",
            "title": "The tags assiciated with the schema",
            "description": "An optional set of tags associated with the schema. Can be used for filtering tests.",
            "examples": [
        "ignore": {
            "$id": "#/properties/ignore",
            "type": "boolean",
            "title": "The ignore key",
            "description": "If set to true, the scenario will be skipped/ignored while running tests.",
            "default": false,
            "enum": [
        "additionalProperties": {
            "$id": "#/properties/additionalProperties",
            "type": "object",
            "title": "The additionalProperties schema",
            "description": "Additional properties for the scenario, if any.",
            "additionalProperties": true
        "scripts": {
            "$id": "#/properties/scripts",
            "type": "object",
            "title": "The scripts object",
            "description": "This object contains the scripts that should be executed in the lifecycle of the execution.",
            "additionalProperties": false,
            "examples": [
                    "before-scenario": "",
                    "after-scenario": "",
                    "before-each": "",
                    "after-each": "",
                    "after-globals": ""
            "properties": {
                "before-scenario": {
                    "$id": "#/properties/scripts/properties/before-scenario",
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "The before-scenario schema",
                    "description": "The javascript that needs to be executed in the before-scenario lifecycle hook",
                    "examples": [
                        "logger.log('Lifecycle Hook: before-scenario')"
                "after-scenario": {
                    "$id": "#/properties/scripts/properties/after-scenario",
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "The after-scenario schema",
                    "description": "The javascript that needs to be executed in the after-scenario lifecycle hook",
                    "examples": [
                        "logger.log('Lifecycle Hook: after-scenario')"
                "before-each": {
                    "$id": "#/properties/scripts/properties/before-each",
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "The before-each schema",
                    "description": "The javascript that needs to be executed in the he before-each lifecycle hook",
                    "examples": [
                        "logger.log('Lifecycle Hook: before-each')"
                "after-each": {
                    "$id": "#/properties/scripts/properties/after-each",
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "The after-each schema",
                    "description": "The javascript that needs to be executed in the The after-each lifecycle hook",
                    "examples": [
                        "logger.log('Lifecycle Hook: after-each')"
                "after-globals": {
                    "$id": "#/properties/scripts/properties/after-globals",
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "The after-globals schema",
                    "description": "The javascript that needs to be executed in the  after-globals lifecycle hook",
                    "examples": [
                        "logger.log('Lifecycle Hook: after-globals')"
        "generate": {
            "$id": "#/properties/generate",
            "type": [
            "title": "The globals schema",
            "description": "The generate object is used to generate global variables for the entire schema",
            "examples": [
                    "variableName": "[a-z0-9 ]{100,200}",
                    "longString": "{lorem_5000}",
                    "name": "{}"
            "additionalProperties": true,
            "properties": {
                ".*": {
                    "$id": "#/properties/generate/properties/.*",
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "variable details",
                    "description": "Variable value",
                    "default": "",
                    "examples": [
                        "[a-z0-9 ]{100,200}"
        "endpoints": {
            "$id": "#/properties/endpoints",
            "type": "array",
            "title": "The endpoints schema",
            "description": "The list of endpoints",
            "additionalItems": true,
            "items": [
                    "$ref": "endpoint.json"