Other commands


The debug command is an internal debugging tool, used to print details like path for workspace, source, config, log etc and open them directly.

❯ vc d --help
Usage: vc debug|d [options]

Enter debug mode

  -w --workspace  Open the Vibranium workspace
  -s --src        Open the source directory for Vibranium
  -v --vibconfig  Open the central configuration files for Vibranium
  -c --config     Open the configuration files for Vibranium
  -l --log        Open the log files for Vibranium
  -h, --help      output usage information


The UI command in Vibranium bring up the report UI server and opens the UI in your browser. Please note that the server dows not do hot reloading as of now, and so you will have to re start the server using the ui command after every execution.